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Installation Guide

How to install Jail Warden Pro

  1. Download Jail Warden Pro release package
  2. It contains 2 types of release version:
    • Pre-Release - last features, but unstable
    • Release - stable version
  3. Package contains all modules and core
  4. Extract package somewhere
  5. Not on the game server yet
  6. Delete unwanted modules
  7. In addons/sourcemod/plugins
  8. And configs for them in cfg/jwp
  9. Set ConVars in cfg/jwp
  10. Sort positions of items in menu from warden_menu.txt
  11. Setup downloads if needed
  12. Some modules like JWP Skins don't have their own download manager, so you need to install some plugin to download materials, models, sound.
  13. Recommended SM File/Folder Downloader & Precacher
  14. Upload Jail Warden Pro on game server
  15. addons/ and cfg/ directories
  16. materials/, models/, sound/ if needed
  17. Change map to load Jail Warden Pro and all modules at once
  18. Profit! :smiley:

Translation issues

  • If you have your native languge, send me your translations via PM's or Pull Request